Help NASA Build the Largest Open Landslide Catalog with Landslide Reporter

With the longer days of spring comes relief for many on the west coast: the end of winter also means the end of the wet season—the rainiest time of year—for coastal California, Oregon, and Washington. Since January of this year, states up and down the west coast have been inundated with mudslides and debris flows … Read more “Help NASA Build the Largest Open Landslide Catalog with Landslide Reporter”

Categories: Citizen Science

Accelerating clinical research through mobile technology

Researchers face a number of challenges when conducting a clinical study.1 Investigators spend considerable time and money recruiting and screening viable participants. If recruitment takes too long, important studies can get scrapped before they are even started. Once a study is underway, participants must sacrifice their own time to make clinic visits, which, for long-term studies, … Read more “Accelerating clinical research through mobile technology”

Categories: Citizen Science, Health